Why Did Joe Choose His Victims? Fans Explore His Thought Process

Joe Goldberg, the enigmatic character from the popular series “You,” has captivated audiences with his complex psyche and disturbing actions. One of the most intriguing aspects of Joe’s character is his selection of victims. Fans have been delving deep into his thought process, trying to understand why he chooses certain individuals to target. Let’s explore the reasons behind Joe’s decisions and unravel the psychology behind his actions.

The Allure of Vulnerability

Joe’s victims often share a common trait – vulnerability. Whether it’s a troubled past, emotional instability, or a need for validation, Joe seems drawn to individuals who are in some way fragile. His desire to “fix” these broken souls reflects a twisted savior complex, where he believes he can rescue them from their troubles. This manipulation of vulnerability is a key factor in Joe’s victim selection process.

The Quest for Control

Control plays a significant role in Joe’s actions. By choosing victims who are easily influenced or controlled, he can exert power over them. Joe’s meticulous planning and stalking demonstrate his need to dominate every aspect of his victims’ lives. This need for control stems from deep-seated insecurities and a warped sense of entitlement, driving him to manipulate those around him.

The Illusion of Connection

Despite his predatory nature, Joe craves connection and intimacy. His victims are often people he believes he can form a genuine bond with, albeit through deceptive means. Joe’s ability to create a facade of love and understanding lures his victims into his web, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. This illusion of connection serves as a justification for his actions, allowing him to rationalize his disturbing behavior.

The Thrill of the Chase

For Joe, the process of selecting and pursuing his victims is as important as the act itself. The thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush of stalking and manipulating his targets, fuels his dark desires. Each victim represents a new challenge for Joe, a puzzle to solve and conquer. This obsession with the hunt drives him to meticulously plan his every move, ensuring that his victims fall into his trap.

As fans continue to dissect Joe’s character and motivations, one thing remains clear – his actions are driven by a complex interplay of psychological factors. From his need for control to his warped sense of connection, Joe’s thought process is a dark and twisted labyrinth. Understanding why he chooses his victims sheds light on the depths of his depravity and the chilling reality of his actions.


In the world of “You,” Joe Goldberg stands as a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurks within seemingly ordinary individuals. His selection of victims is a reflection of his warped psyche, driven by a toxic mix of control, manipulation, and a twisted sense of connection. As fans explore his thought process, they are confronted with the unsettling truth that monsters can wear a charming facade. Joe’s victims serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the dangers that can arise when obsession and manipulation collide.


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